
The attractions of Barcelona draw millions of visitors every year from all over the world. All of them are attracted and charmed by the flower-filled Rambla which never sleeps, the unique architecture of the Sagrada Família, the Art Nouveau buildings of the Eixample district (Casa Batlló, La Pedrera and many more), the sober, imposing Gothic churches, the constant pulse of life in the narrow, shadowy streets of the Barri Gòtic and the Raval, the memories of the city’s Jewish past in the Call, the bustling bohemian life of Gràcia, the market of La Boqueria, the blue of the Mediterranean, the chiringuitos or beach bars with their tempting smell of fish, the shops of the Passeig de Gràcia and the Rambla Catalunya, the chic flavour of the Born, the Gran Teatre del Liceu, the Palau de la Música Catalana, the Sónar festival, the magnificent views from the hill of Montjuïc, the skyline of the Olympic Ring or a visit to the Camp Nou, one of the temples of world football… everybody can find one reason or another to fall in love with this city!

Barcelona is also the capital of Catalonia, a country which has been a crossroads for cultures (Iberians, Phoenicians, Greeks, Romans, Saracens and Franks among them) and boasts a rich heritage, both architectural (dolmens and standing stones, Iberian settlements, Greek and Roman ruins, Romanesque chapels, Gothic cathedrals, Renaissance palaces and castles, Art Nouveau buildings and much more) and cultural (painters such as Dalí or Miró, architects like Gaudí, opera singers like Carreras or Caballé and musicians like Mompou or Albéniz).

Landscapes of Catalonia

The landscape of Catalonia is highly varied, ranging from beaches and sand dunes alternating with rocky coves nestling between dizzying cliffs to abrupt, rocky peaks soaring to 3,000 metres (nearly 10,000 feet), as well as level, muddy deltas beside the sea, impenetrable forests and cereal-growing steppe where it is hard to spot a tree. A country which has specimens of all the natural landscapes which exist in Europe and which is therefore exceptionally rich in flora and fauna for a region of its size.

Many of these wonders are within reach of a day trip – or one lasting several days if you want to make the most of the beauty of the Catalan landscape and its most outstanding architectural, geographical or natural features.

Barcelona has inherited a legacy of exceptional beauty, on a scale comparable to that of the country of which it is the capital. All you have to do to discover some of the least-known gems of its natural and cultural heritage is to join one of the trips we offer.

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